Updating Your Website

Updating Your Website

Updating Your Website

You can make most changes to your website right through your Site Manager account. The links below correspond to the various sections of the Site Manager and include an in-depth overview of the features and functionality of each page. At the bottom of the page, you will also find a recording of our Site Manager Refresher Course which shows you how to easily make changes to your site. 

If you can't find an answers to your question, please don't hesitate to contact us for personalized support from a live person at no extra charge.

Most administrative settings are contained within this section. 

Firm Info
This section is generally used to house the firm profile and attorney profiles.

Site Pages
Most of your site's content-rich pages (practice areas, custom pages, articles, etc) are contained within this section. 

Blog Management
You can post a new blog entry, edit an existing one or manage subscribers right through this section of the Site Manager. 

This section allows you to easily format frequently asked questions and answers. 

Have an upcoming event that you'd like to share with web visitors? This tool allows you to efficiently post seminars and manage registrations. 
Visitor Information
If someone submits a contact inquiry through your site, you will receive an email. The data will also be stored here. 

This tool allows you to draft and send e-blasts to thousands of contacts in a matter of minutes.
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